Sunday, April 29, 2007


天气开始转凉,这次出门都得带jacket了,一整天都像在aircond room的感觉真的很不错!哈哈哈,还要每天烦应该穿什么衣服,什么jacket.....最惨的是总觉得衣橱里的衣服好像不够穿,哈哈哈,oops,又要买衣服了.......hahahhaa.....

Sydney下了整个星期的雨,今天终于看到太阳了。因为Anzac day,这个礼拜只上了2天的课,打了4天的工。最近基本上周六日都奉献给工作,没有什么机会出去玩了。今天上了两个shift的班,从早上8am到530pm,站了快10个小时,脚都已经发麻,还要碰上回家的时候火车迟到,害我在火车站干等了快20分钟。天啊!!在火车站的时候,天都黑了,明明才6pm,天已经黑得像晚上九点,我还真的不是很习惯这里太阳下山的时间。所以最近我总是晚上9,10pm就上床睡了,早上630am也会不自觉地醒了。虽然我以前也蛮早睡的,可是现在呀,也未免太过早睡早起了吧?哈哈哈,不知身体又没有变好呢? 哈哈哈。

下个礼拜有1个assignment due... 现在progress 只有20%,哎~没有了tingfang,真的好像很不行。再过两个礼拜,有3个assignment同时due...真不知到时怎么死。


Monday, April 16, 2007


很久没有好好的上网了。来了悉尼也有十个星期了,最近我也开始打工了,从来就没有真正的跟别人做事,算是另一种生活体验吧?找工作其实也不是一件容易的事,我大概投了三个星期的resume,才见成第一份工作。现在我就是在westfield shopping town里的food court里的sandwich bar做sandwich hand... 其实工作不是很难,不过基本上每天都是在重复着同样的东西,说着同样的话:
"which bread do you like? sandwich? white or wholemeal? roll? focaccia? turkish bread?"
"butter? salt and pepper? do you like it toasted? avocado? cheese? tasty or swiss cheese?"
"lettuce? tomato? cucumber? onion? beetroot? carrot?"
"ham? shredded chicken? salami? pastrami? proscieutto? corned beef? salmon? tuna?"

哈哈哈。基本上我的工作就是帮人家弄三文治。学了很多三文治的生字新词。基本上我一点都不爱吃面包,我想如果不是因为工作,我一辈子也不会想要懂得关于三文治的一切。工作上最难的就是算钱了,鬼佬吃sandwich很不简单,有时要加这个加那个,每个东西的价钱都不一样,加起来有时一个sandwich都要整AUD 8 - 9。贵死了!哈哈哈。


工作基本上不会很辛苦,只不过每天要站大概7 - 8个小时,脚的确有点受不了,好在一个星期只是工作3-4天,哈哈。不过领薪水的时候就不同了,一切都变得没关系了。哈哈哈。也因为如此,最近shopping得比较厉害,所有的钱都好像捐给衣服店的老板了。嘻嘻嘻。

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sydney Royal Easter Show

it's easter break. went to Sydney Royal Easter Show yesterday. It's a huge event at the Olympic Park. the event lasts 2 weeks from 5-18 April. lots n lotsa people were there. besides various shows n theme park n games, there are also cows, horses, pigs, animalss... and also show bags!

at the woolworths food farm exhibition hall, there is a competition on arranging the fruits n veges in picture way. the background in the pic is made up of FRUITS... yup... REAL fruits... they arranged the apples, veges, one by one so that they look like in a picture form... oh my god... its really really unbelievable !

n there is a motor X-treme show at the NAB arena... some crazy show, where they put a girl inside something like a rocket, n shoot a girl into the air, n then fell onto a net in the middle of the field. crazy stuff... n also cars performing 飘移... which made me ended up with sands all over my face n shirt... crazieee...
theme park! lots n lotsa games! many game stalls... many exciting games available. but im not the one tat enjoy playing so much. haha...i just dare not get myself into the roller coaster or swing myself in the middle of the sky. craziie... hahaha... but i do enjoy playing in the game stalls, which we took back like 6 teddy bears... hahahhaa...
lastly... the SHOWBAGS!!! showbags are a bag with plenty of things inside it which the retail value costs much more than the price you buy now. but most of the time, you dont really need those things. its kinda waste but shopping for showbags are just way toooo fun ! hahhaha... there are many types of showbags available, magazine showbags, coca-cola showbag, kids showbags, some chocolates showbags, food showbags... soooo hard to choose... hahaha... people crowded in the showbag room queuing to pay for the showbag! oh my god! really crowded! and i bought myself a AUD20 hellokitty showbag... there are a kitty bean bag cover, kitty laundry hamper basket, kitty magazine rack, kitty mirror, kitty lantern, kitty pyjama bag, kitty t-shirt bag, kitty creamy bath gel inside the bag... oh god.. you cant believe this... im crazy! i CHOOSE hello kitty!(aun... wan me to buy one for u? ...hahaha)