Tuesday, October 03, 2006

kimbab or sushi?

we had planned to make this since august.
but its just always the wrong timing.
at last ! today !
although there are still so many things to do for the assignment due friday.
we managed to find 3 hrs out to make this.
from cooking the rice till finish wrapping.
6pm-9pm.. quite a long time, huh?
this will be our dosirak tmr...
look nice, hoh? hahaha...

btw, what's the difference between kimbab n sushi?

Ingredients: sausage, egg, crabmeat, timun, rice, seaweed.


Anonymous said...

hey how to fry da egg till long rectangular?(..so dat its easy to wrap)

Anonymous said...

my eyes are popping out...
did i just see 김밥 here ???! @_@
omg.. tats the last thing i eat here u know. muahahha

just fry the egg like normal into one big piece and then cut them so they become long rectangular

Anonymous said...

try add in cheese and tuna my dear. it'll taste much better.. and don forget some 麻油 on top of the 김 (seaweed) ..

cheayin said...

hahaha.... thx thx jq...
actually it tastes weird...
will try putting tuna next time..
the "ma you" is very important, hoh?
coz mine is tasteless..

ade... cooking is fun!!
try different thing everyday..!

Anonymous said...

oh did the girl really think that tvgirl has the technique of pouring the egg in the pan and fry them long rectangularly? MUAHAHA

Anonymous said...

i fell like killing Lim eelaine!@!#$$^