Tuesday, October 02, 2007

2 Oct 2007

26 Dec 2005. @ junqi's place.

i saw aun's sms this morning around 8am when i turned off my alarm.
the sms is sent at 2.02am AUS time, which is 1202am malaysian time.
then, i went back to sleep again coz there is no lecture in the morning today due to public holiday yesterday, Australia's labour day is 1 Oct, how weird... hahaha...

I woke up around 10am, went to univ around 1pm, attend a tutorial and a lecture, had some group discussion on assignments and had dinner at KURA (a japanese restaurant) with peggy and pancy, got home late, around 930pm..
then... just a few mins ago, when i was chatting with siewfang, she asked me "wat abt 2 Oct?"
i was like... "huh? wat about 2 oct?"
she said,"I was just browsing thro junqi's blog n saw something on 2 Oct and your name is mentioned there so im just curious..."

Suddenly! my brain is blank.
I then quickly went to junqi's blog.

oh god.....!!!!

I totally forgot !!!!
even after aun's sms this morning..!!!

so sorry... aun....!!!!
yes... only YOU will remember every year...
is this the fifth year? hahahhaa....
i think i was still in my dream when i saw your sms..
hahahhahaaa...... sooooo sorry......

anywayz..... happy 2 Oct , girlsss!!


junqi said...

u r worse....... ;P
(dont hav to be sorry la.. if not u'll have to keep saying sorry every 2nd oct for the rest of the years and soon, tat day will bcome 'sorry day' ? ... err. sorry for once and all >> sorry in advance? muahah...)

happy 2nd. i had a good one. ^^

Anonymous said...

I will never be a part of 2nd of of Oct...........

Anonymous said...


chea yin, post IT to jq k =)

blissful tuesday, must be the power of 2/10 ^^

Anonymous said...

goose, just received ur mail!
Awwww, You made my day!
I dun hav to be a part of 2nd of oct, i'm already a part of ur life *prouds*
Miss u loads X

Anonymous said...

303, 12-8,
Seoul, South Korea.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks..

Anonymous said...

postcode is 136-075
just write it after the country's name.