Calculations... Econometrics is never easy... regressions models... binomial distributions... maximum likelihood... time series model... cross-sectional models... estimating equations.... White test... heteroskedasticity... auxilliary regressions.... Granger causality test... univariate time series model.. Ramsey test... Jacque Bera test...
Presentation preparation...Reading and understanding... It's even harder when you gotta expressing your thoughts on something you don't know... i hate presenting academics paper.... I don't even understand the methodology they used to prove the tests.... and i tend to get caught up on the questions from the lecturer...
Proofing... Never ending proofing... Taylors expansions... utility functions... Allias paradox... derivations... two fund separations... absolute risk aversion... stochastic dominance.. value function...portfolio frontier... law of iterated expectations... Jensen's inequality... Von Neumann-Morgenstern Expected Utility.... Zero beta Capital Asset Pricing Model... Arbitrage Pricing Theory... One Factor Model..